Physically based rendering library for Processing
I have put online a Processing library for physically based rendering, based on this shader by Nick Galko. The latest release is available here, just unzip the 'SimplePBR' folder into your Processing 'libraries' folder. Physically Based Rendering ...

Resonances is an interactive experience, where the audience's mobile devices are synchronized to generate a distributed audiovisual live show, using their screens and vibrators. It was presented in a live performance at ...

Cellular automata and 3D print.
This is my first experiment with 3D printing. I wanted to create an object inspired by natural phenomena in order to get an organic feel. The first idea was to use a cellular automata, where the generations stacked on top of ...

Audioscape – Audio reactive visuals
I have made a quick experiment with audio reactive visuals to get a hold of Processing 2 new PShape and PShader objects. Using the frequency spectrum of an audio file, a dynamic landscape following the song's rythm is generated in real ...

Data visualization ArteInformado
English Data visualization developed for ArteInformado, Iberoamerican Art Space, in collaboration with Fernanda Ramos, Eduardo Moriana and Sergio Galán. You can view it online here. This is an online data ...

GLSL Lighting experiments
Some images from recent experiments with shaders in Processing, focusing on lighting. I have adapted the depth of field by Martins Upitis and the light scaterring by Fabien Sanglard shaders and some tips by ...

Perceptual drummer
This is a quick sketch of one of my proposals accepted by Intel for its Perceptual Challenge. Perceptual drummer is an application for music enthusiast that turns any surface into a drum pad, creating touchable regions that triggers ...

Lumen at File Sao Paulo 2013
Lumen, the studio formed by artist Fernanda Ramos and myself , was selected for exhibiting our interactive installation "Homage to B. Franklin" at File Festival Sao Paulo. You can find some extracts from the media where the piece was ...

Geometry shaders in Processing
I have been very interested in shaders since they were added to the beta releases of Processing 2. I am totally new in this strange territory, hopefully what I have learned will serve for those in the same situation. There is a ...

Plastic world
Exploring the aesthetics of articial looking landscapes introduced in an natural enviroment, inhabited by polygonal animals reponding to organic behaviours. Work in progress. Low poly flocking test from Nacho Cossío on ...

Augmented Battlefield (work in progress)
Copyright Fernanda Ramos Augmented Battlefield is an augmented reality strategy wargame where two teams battle in a three dimensional surface created by the users with everyday life objects. This battlefield is augmented by ...

Interactive web intro
Interactive webGL intro for www.fernandaramos.com, website of artist Fernanda Ramos. A group of fireflies fly around the website revealing with their lights the underlying photograph from the artist. It is necessary to guide them ...